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Our 2020 Gold and Silver Price Projections Were Too Conservative!

Our 2019 predictions were “right on” for $1500 gold, but our 2020 predictions were too conservative. Back in July 2019, we “boldly” predicted $18 silver by year’s end and $20 silver in 2020. We got the $18 silver within three months and then we got $20 silver by July 21 – then silver kept on rising to nearly $30!


As for gold, we predicted in January (in the Week 3 edition) that gold would reach $1,800 this year if Donald Trump won re-election, but gold would surpass $2,000 if a Democrat like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren won the election. Well, the election is still 11 weeks away and we have already seen $2,000 gold, so we were too conservative in our gold prediction as well. We had no way of forecasting the COVID-19 epidemic in January, so we relied on past election year trends as well as past impeachment attempts and global tensions. In 2020 hindsight, the printing of too many trillions of new dollars in response to the COVID-19 pandemic was the primary engine that pushed gold prices over $2,000.


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